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What is silicon?

Silicon is one of the most important micronutrients that is part of many processes in the body. Although inconspicuous (we only need 20-30 mg of it a day), it is so important for the condition of the body that it is called the element of life. Why and what do you need to know about this element?

Silicon is an element abbreviated to Si. It is the second most common trace element in nature, after oxygen. For this reason, it is called the element of life, because it determines the existence of not only human, but also animal and plant organisms.

What properties does the element have?

The microelement builds elements of connective tissue, heart valves, pituitary gland, adrenal glands and muscles. It occurs in almost all organs, and additionally affects the condition of hair, skin and nails. It conditions the synthesis of collagen and hyaluronic acid, which helps to retain water in the skin or hair. Thanks to this, it is responsible for a youthful appearance and soothes skin inflammations.

A trace element for healthy bones

Silicon is, along with calcium, a bone-building element. For this reason, it is recommended for people with severe injuries or fractures to rebuild and strengthen bones. It helps to prevent osteoporosis, curvature of the spine, scoliosis and rickets.

Against vascular diseases

Silicon is also used in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. It helps to unblock blood vessels, improve their elasticity, and prevent damage or narrowing that could lead to blood clots and blockages. It also prevents the formation of the so-called atherosclerotic plaque, consisting of, among others from lipids, which narrows the lumen of the artery, leading to ischemia of the organ or stroke.


For beautiful skin

The microelement improves the condition of hair, skin and nails. It is he who, next to biotin and zinc, determines strong, shiny, healthy hair, hard nails and a smooth and elastic skin. It helps in the synthesis of collagen fibers, which give the skin elasticity and vitality, make it elastic and young.
It prevents premature aging, prevents wrinkles and binds water inside the epidermis, responsible for its proper hydration.

In addition, silicon has soothing properties, therefore it heals inflammation, irritation, acne and eczema. Responsible for a beautiful, radiant and healthy complexion.


How to recognize an element deficiency?

The wrong level of the trace element shows itself quickly. It is very dangerous because it can lead to:

  • growth disturbance

  • fracture bones

  • delayed bone fusion

  • plaque build-up in your arteries

  • the formation of stones in the liver

  • the formation of kidney stones

  • joint degeneration

  • inflammation of the tendons

  • inflammation of the bones


Too low level of the trace element and beauty

It mainly affects the beauty - the skin becomes gray, tired, loses its radiance and elasticity. Hair is dull, brittle, frizzy and tangle-free. In addition, there may be problems with excessive hair loss, dandruff or inflammation of the scalp.

Silicon-free nails begin to split and break. Sometimes it is enough to gently tap them on the table top for the tile to start delaminating. This is a sign that they need additional reinforcement.


How to prevent shortages?

In order to prevent the level of silicon from being too low, it is worth taking a closer look at your diet and including fiber-based foods. It works like a natural bowel duster, helps remove toxins and cleanse the body. In addition, it is worth reaching for fresh herbs, oatmeal, bran, seeds and seeds. It is also necessary to properly hydrate the body. You must also enter  dietary supplements containing silicon, because only c'10 mg from food can be absorbed.  However, it should be noted whether it is organic silicon (monomethylsilanetriol),  highly absorbed by the body.

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